SELCAL Test Unveiled Bundle

Get access to both parts of the SELCAL Test Unveiled Course!

  • 30+2 original audio tracks from the SELCAL exam trainer;
  • detailed transcripts;
  • sample pilot answers;
  • debriefing questions with sample answers
  • ‘news’ containing mistakes for correction;
  • course instructor’s notes to each lesson;
  • advisory support through lesson comments and personal feedback to resolve bottlenecks of your exam preparation process.

Tracks broken down for you:

  1. Tel Aviv TSO 301
  2. Tel Aviv TSO 302
  3. London TSO 353
  4. London TSO 444
  5. Beijing KHB 319
  6. Beijing KHB 330
  7. U-Tapao KHB 9005
  8. U-Tapao KHB 9006
  9. Seattle AFL 810
  10. Seattle AFL 7409
  11. San Francisco AFL 809
  12. Anchorage AFL 809
  13. Seoul UPS 6991
  14. Nice Rossiya 6640
  15. Havana Cubana 3311
  1. London TSO 555
  2. London TSO 333
  3. London TSO 354
  4. Beijing KHB 322
  5. Beijing KHB 311
  6. San Francisco AFL 8909
  7. U-Tapao AFL 7408
  8. U-Tapao KHB 9212
  9. Seoul AC 124
  10. Tel Aviv TSO 303
  11. Tel Aviv KHB 9003
  12. Seattle AFL 809
  13. Seattle AFL 7410
  14. Nice Rossiya 6639
  15. Havana Cubana 3310
    bonus track: Tel Aviv KHB 9004     bonus track: SFO AFL 809 (10L)

Get Part I and Part II as a bundle for 2900+2900 = 5800 4100 RUR!

Save 1700 RUR + get access to 2 bonus tracks!

or get access to the SELCAL Test Unveil as part of the Radiocom Bundle!


Read more about the Course – here

And how to get prepared for you SELCAL test on your own – here

SELCAL Test Unveiled Bundle

$ 39,99

Radiocom Bundle

$ 48,99